Deadline today

EditorNews Make a Comment

The deadline to enter the TVNZ-NZ Marketing Awards is 5pm today (Friday) but – as previously reported – entrants can get another week, in return for a late payment of $150+gst.


EditorTVCs, News Make a Comment

“If they save just one person from death by 42-inch plasma it’ll all be worthwhile!” – Seven Sharp’s Mike Hosking taps into the majority opinion on the Advertising Standards Authority’s risible decision to ban the Telecom’s Spotify tvc that shows a guy with large, cartoony hands turfing a TV set – rock-star style – from a hotel balcony.

Try a Friar Tuck?

EditorTVCs Make a Comment

James Rolleston has put himself in charm’s way so often in his work for Vodafone – but his new SuperNet spot is particularly hair-brained.