Quentin Tarantino, Bob Weinstein, Ben Afflick and J J Abrams have joined other global directors to make long-term commitments to using cinema film supplied by the last chemical film company left standing in the world – Kodak.
“Film sets the standard for quality,” Abrams said. “There are enormous qualitative differences [between film & digital],” adds renowned British researcher Tacita Dean. “Film looks different, it captures light differently, there is more depth, and it copes much better with blacks.” Also, digital brings a different, less-rigorous approach when it can be “fixed in post”.
There’s much interesting info in this report from The Independent, published in last weekend’s Herald on Sunday. Read the full HoS story here.
- Are any NZ TVCs still shot on film? M+AD is currently asking local companies for their views. If you have something to share, send it to editor@mad-daily.com asap.
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