Buy a Bauer mag – and get Lego for $1 (Updated)

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Buy a magazine and get a specially crafted Lego pack for just a buck? That’s the offer being put on the streets by Bauer Media, using realistic three-dimensional frames built in-house by Phantom Billstickers’ special projects team.

Bauer Media’s Fran Ritchie confirms that this was a true collaboration: “When we mentioned to Phantom that we had an upcoming group campaign with Lego, they came back with the idea of creating custom Lego-style frames to generate additional exposure for the promotion and push the boundaries far beyond the standard poster,” she said.

“Because our guys know how to make the most of the medium, they were able to deliver custom frames for a cost-effective budget.”

“The sample frame image was sent through and our creative was planned to complement the frames and work together to create a unique and eye-catching campaign.”

Phantom managing partner Jamey Holloway said: “Bauer Media know that nothing boosts awareness near point of purchase like a street poster.

“So imagine you’re a Lego-crazed kid, or the parent of one, walking down to the shops. Something catches your eye – it’s a poster frame made out of giant Lego blocks. And inside the frame is this very tempting offer one-buck offer.

“Because our guys know how to make the most of the medium, they were able to deliver custom frames for a very cost-effective budget.”

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