Big AT pitch up a notch (Updated)

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AUCKLAND, Saturday: oOH Media, MediaWorks, Go Media, Shout, JCDecaux  and Lumo have surfaced from the preliminary stage of the Auckland Transport pitch – called (by Weekend Herald Media Insider columnist Shanye Currie).

Currie labelled the pitch as “one of the biggest marketing and advertising contracts in NZ history”.

AT told him that it had notified successful and unsuccessful applicants, and is now working on a full RFP process.

“AT has notified successful and unsuccessful applicants, and is now working on a full RFP process.”

The six criteria sought are …

  • Bus shelter advertising
  • Bus exteriors and interiors
  • Ferry advertising (not in place, but an option for the future)
  • Digital & static screens across public transport stations
  • Promos

Currie reports that AT has confirmed it a big revenue boost from the new contracts.

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