Business Awards finalists unveiled

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The finalists of the 2016 Deloitte Top 200 Business Awards have been announced. The awards, which celebrate excellence in business, will be held at Vector Arena on Thursday 1 December.

The awards are celebrating their 27th year, having been established in 1990 to annually recognise outstanding individual and team performances in New Zealand’s largest companies and trading organisations.

Deloitte Top 200 judging panel convenor Fran O’Sullivan, head of business at NZME, says the judges were particularly impressed at the calibre of this year’s finalists. “The finalists are a diverse group of individuals and organisations but the common thread is a passion to see New Zealand companies succeed locally and in some cases also on the international stage,” she said.

The judging panel includes independent directors Dame Alison Paterson, Sandy Maier and Jonathan Mason, Forsyth Barr managing director Neil Paviour-Smith, and Minter Ellison Rudd Waytt chairman Cathy Quinn.

Sponsors were QBE Insurance, Eagle Technology, IMNZ, AJ Park, Minter Ellison Rudd Watts, MBIE, Massey University Business School and Orbit World Travel.


  • Deloitte & AJ Park Company of the Year: Spark, Z Energy, Restaurant Brands
  • Deloitte & Orbit World Travel CEO of the Year: Mike Bennetts (Z Energy), Simon Moutter (Spark), Patrick Davies (Ebos)
  • Massey University Business School CFO of the Year: Gordon MacLeod (Ryman Healthcare), Andrew Carroll (Chorus), Jolie Hodson (Spark)
  • QBE Insurance Chairperson of the Year: Rob Campbell, Trevor Janes, Chris Moller
  • Minter Ellison Rudd Watts Excellence in Governance Award: Nuplex, ACC, Lester Levy
  • Most Improved Performance: TradeMe, Zespri, Kathmandu
  • Best Growth Strategy: A2 Milk, Ryman Healthcare, Synlait
  • MBIE Diversity Leadership Award: IAG, ANZ, ASB
  • Eagle Technology & IMNZ Young Executive of the Year: Sasha Lockley (head of operations, Avanti Finance), Andrew Slater (CEO Homecare Medical/The National Telehealth Service), Kimberley Bray (national service manager, Ravensdown), James Bergin, chief architect (GM architecture, strategy and innovation, ASB), Michael Stribling (GM Strategy, Spark)
  • Visionary Leader Award: To be announced at the awards ceremony

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