DDB & Lotto’s Xmas follow-up to Armoured Truck

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AUCKLAND, Wednesday: DDB has produced a follow-up spot to Lotto New Zealand’s Armoured Truck tvc, part of the Imagine series, revisiting the pair behind the tension-filled spot released earlier this year.

The new ad – a classy Xmas feelgood spot with a warmth that gets real cut-through – picks up the story of Ray and Sateesh a few months after their big Lotto win. It’s Christmas Day and empty nesters Ray and his wife, who are preparing to have a quiet Christmas, receive a video call from Sateesh. 

Sateesh appears to be celebrating Christmas with his family in India, but little does Ray know that Sateesh is right outside, with family, food and gifts, ready to join Ray and his wife for a Christmas celebration. 

The joy Sateesh’s gesture brings to Ray and his wife mirrors the joy Ray brought to Sateesh when he kept his end of the bargain, going 50/50 in the big win.  

“Kiwis responded to Armoured Truck, so I hope this spot can build upon, particularly as we reflect on what is important to us.”

The spot gives audiences the opportunity to see these now very familiar faces in a whole new light.

DDB CCO Damon Stapleton, says the opportunity to revisit the story of Ray and Sateesh is something the team has really enjoyed.

“Kiwis responded powerfully to Armoured Truck, so I hope this spot can build upon that response, particularly at this time of year, when we reflect on what is most important to us.”

Lotto head of marketing Leah Neilson said: “This is a story that many Kiwis will relate to.

“The previous instalments in this series focused on the magic of winning, but with this one, we see the joy of Ray and Sateesh, good mates, enjoying the simple act of being together on Christmas.

“We’ll be providing Kiwis with rolling updates of Ray and Sateesh’s summer adventures with social videos which will play out over the holiday period.”

The campaign will roll out with a 45” tvc, and social videos will be released from January.


Client: Lotto
Chief Marketing Officer: Annemarie Browne
Head of Marketing: Leah Neilson
Senior Marketing Manager: Genna Duff
Agency: DDB
Chief Creative Officer: Damon Stapleton
Creative Director: Brett Colliver and Mike Felix
Lead Business Partner: Kate Lines
Business Director: Haylee Killip
Business Co-ordinator: Ella Billham
Chief Strategy Officer: Rupert Price
Executive Producer: Judy Thompson
Senior TV Producer: Samantha Royal
Production Company: Scoundrel
Executive Producer: Adrian Shapiro
Producer: Claire Kelly
Director: Tim Bullock
DOP: Tim Tregoning
Editor: Adam Wills
Post production online: Blockhead
Music composer: Cam Ballantyne
Sound mix: Craig Matuschka, Liquid Studios

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