New World and Clemenger Group launch Enjoy Better

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AUCKLAND, Today: Recently appointed New World head of marketing and customer experience Dominic Quin approached the Clemenger Group to help create a long-term platform for New World.

”But this wasn’t just a comms challenge,” he said in a release out this morning. “To ensure this was a success, the entire business needed to buy in.

“The process was one of immersion, discovery, and collaboration between Foodstuffs, 99, Colenso BBDO, Fish, and justONE.

“We have an amazing, homegrown brand in New World, but the market is changing, customers are changing, and we needed to remain relevant to how our New Zealand customers see value while building on our brand strengths and points of difference.

“Too much of the value conversation is placed on just price. Value is actually about all of the extras you get for your money. Though some are visible in store, others are less so, so we needed a platform that allowed us to talk about those meaningful points of difference.

“We have done that in the first phase of Enjoy Better.”

99 MD Troy Fuller said: “This was a great example of the Clemenger Group working at its best. We could get the right heads in the room with the decisionmakers, get complete immersion and move quickly. Making sure these stories were being told through-the-line, from brand love to hard working retail.

“New World certainly isn’t short of reasons to believe. It has long been seen as a better shopping experience with more people helping pack your groceries, trained instore experts, established staff for an efficient and friendly experience and local NZ store ownership.

“There’s also the long history of the cooperative ownership model and a commitment to having strong product provenance, with as much locally chosen as much as possible.”

Dominic Quin: “Our New Zealand Seafood is something the business is particularly proud of. We are unique because we have our own fishing quota which means we have the ability to fish to customer needs – only taking the volumes of fish we need with a strong sense of preserving the resource for the future.

“We know the fishing boats by name and the fishing families that own them, so we only select the best for New World customers.

“We know the fishing boats by name and the fishing families that own them, so we only select the best for New World customers.”

“Creating strong foundations for the future is incredibly important to us and is a strong driver behind why, nationally, we support the Starship Foundation and our stores throw their support behind local community groups and sports clubs.

Being 100% New Zealand owned and operated means we care about our patch – we give back and invest in our people and communities.”

The problem as Quin saw it when he joined was that these details were relatively unknown. “Yet, tell any redblooded Kiwi about them and they would immediately lean in, keen to know more,” he said.

“It became apparent that these emotional connections between the suppliers, the products, the caring staff and the store owners themselves were what made the New World shopping experience a class above.

“But, there was a clear need to highlight these stories – and so Enjoy Better has come into being. It’s a great creative platform to tell our stories.”

The ‘platform will launch with four stories about the expertise and care that New World provides. These will include having the country’s largest butchery training programme, its own fishing quota, an extensive range of freshly made convenient deli options, and the highly regarded New World Wine Awards.

These, and many other unique stories, will be told consistently from brand ads to counter top.

Steve Cochran, ECD at Colenso, said: “We worked very closely with Mick Stalker and his team at 99, and James Solomon and the team at Fish to ensure the stories we were telling were both entertaining and informative.

“Real suppliers and staff bring something really special to the process and help make sure there is a sense of authenticity and reality. The great stories are all there, we just needed to bring them out in short format films.

Enjoy Better is the start of New World’s next chapter and will help them continue to put the customer at the heart of what they do to create the best customer experience.”


Client: Foodstuffs NZ
Agencies: 99, Colenso BBDO, justONE
Production company: Fish

New World Butcher
Wine Awards

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