Colenso, justONE grab the lion’s share (updated)

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Colenso/Proximity and justONE head the list of agency finalists in the run-up to the NZDM Awards at the Langham Auckland on Thursday 23 February.

The awards come in three divisions – Industry & Channel, Nexus, and Craft.

In the Industry & Channel division, justONE has 11 finalists, Colenso/Proximity 9, FCB 5, Chemistry Interaction 4,  Federation 3, Young & Shand and 99 (two apiece), with one finalist each to bcg2, True, FCB/True, Affinity ID, and Rainger & Rolfe.

The Nexus agency finalists are Young & Shand 3, justONE 2, with one each to Colenso/Proximity, Chemistry International, Rainger & Rolfe, FCB and Affinity ID.

In Craft, Colenso/Proximity leads with four finalists, followed by FCB 2, Chemistry International 2, FCB 2, bcg2 1, Federation 1, justONE 1, Young & Shand 1, and True 1,

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