Colenso collaborators unveil sun-powered tvc

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AUCKLAND, Wednesday: NZ’s Assembly Limited, Sunergise Auckland and Colenso BBDO have released what may well be the world’s first advertising film powered by the sun.

Leading New Zealand solar energy provider Sunergise has installed a solar PV system at Assembly Limited in Auckland to power the creation of an idea by Colenso BBDO for a PepsiCo Sunbites brand.

The launch was spearheaded with the solar-powered film, which is airing on TV in the UK. The concept and animation was created on computers powered by solar energy.

“The film is airing on TV in the UK. The concept and animation was created mainly in NZ on computers powered by solar energy.”

The 15.6kW system at Assembly, comprising of 60 solar panels, was installed especially for the campaign, conceived by a creative team at Colenso Auckland, which is also powered by a 56kW Sunergise solar PV system.

Sunergise ceo Paul Makumbe said: ‘It was an absolute privilege and joy to work with the Assembly and Colenso teams in creating a solution that demonstrated not only the effectiveness of solar as an energy source, but more importantly to do so at a lower cost than the normal grid prices showed that the time for the switch to renewables is now.”

Assembly head of production Helen Naulls said: “The team at Sunergise were fantastic to work with, their installation team made everything happen effortlessly.”

About Sunergise
Sunergise is a leader in full-service solar power systems for businesses and governments, providing custom design, financing, installation and monitoring. Founded in 2012 and servicing New Zealand, Fiji and the Pacific Islands, Sunergise is on a mission to help the people of the Pacific go solar sooner.

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