Doublefish, Crestani, Farmer Clark back Women’s Refuge

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Women’s Refuge has teamed up with Wellington indie creative shop Doublefish, Wellington strategy agency Crestani Communications and production house Farmer Clark to raise funds for a new initiative aimed at helping kids caught in the middle of domestic violence.

The goal is to have a trained child advocate in every refuge in the country.

The team that put together last year’s Temuera Morrison campaign for Women’s Refuge annual appeal is now looking to raise $1million for Kids in the Middle.

Featuring MediaWorks’ Kanoa Lloyd, the campaign looks at domestic violence from a child’s perspective and is being supported by the MediaWorks Foundation.

The fundraising campaign runs for a month from mid-February.


Creative: Ken Double. John Fisher, Anton Hart, Doublefish
Agency: Tara Merriman, Crestani Communications
Production: Alison Farmer, Simon Clark, Farmer Clark Productions
Sound: Mike Westgate
Editor: Philipe Lods
Grade: Pete Richie

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