Effies international judge slots in Auckland workshop

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This year’s international Effie Awards judge, Chris Baker will be in Auckland for the first time prior to the big night and is running a half-day effectiveness workshop.

Baker is founder at Bacon Strategy & Research London. The award show is scheduled for Thursday 19 October, and Baker’s Comms Council workshop will be held at NZME Auckland precisely one week earlier – on Thursday 12 October (scroll down for booking details).

“The workshop is designed for people that want to understand how they can add value to their client relationships and want to deliver strategic direction and business value,” says Comms Council events coordinator Kate Cronin-Smith.

“You will learn how to engage with a client’s broader commercial and brand agenda, to understand and help shape ‘the brief behind the brief’.

“You’ll typically know the importance of a great strategy, thinking and the development of great work. However, this is all academic if you don’t win the pitch, get the client to share ownership of the strategy and the solution, engage the business beyond the person who briefed you, and then learn from the outcomes.”

What’s covered

  • Winning Friends and influencing People – engagement principles to grow broader strategic understanding and influence, and democratise strategy development.
  • Objective-setting and the foundations of effectiveness measurement – ensure communications objectives sit clearly in the context of business (commercial) and marketing (behavioural) objectives.
  • The brand as the overall organising principle – put ideas and short-term activations in their place, avoid the danger of brand fragmentation; create the conditions for sustainable growth.
  • Brand archetypes and how to use them – a top tool for planners and client engagement.
  • Behaviour change models – practical tools to broaden the agency role and value.
  • Psychology maps (category and consumer segment) – quick ways of creating strategic understanding and alignment.


  • Date: Thursday 12 October
  • Start time: 8.30am registration. Refreshments available upon arrival with a morning tea break.
  • Run time: 8.45am -1pm workshop.
  • Venue: NZME, 2 Graham Street, Auckland.
  • Cost: $395+gst for Comms Council & ANZA members/non – members $895+gst (!!!)
  • Register: by Wednesday 4 October – via email kate@commscouncil.nz. Please provide full name, position, and contact details of attendees.
  • Special dietary requirements: Kate Cronin-Smith (kate@commscouncil.nz)

For more information contact Comms Council industry development manager Marlen Smith (021 272 9998).

More details here:

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