Arrivals & Departures: Facebook runs NZ by remote control

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Sydney-based Andrew Hunter has joined Facebook in a newly created Australasian role as news partnerships lead, fronting Facebook’s “increasing collaboration” with Australia and New Zealand’s media networks and help with the local rollout of products specifically designed for the publishing industry.

According to the release advising us of this news, Hunter was previously Microsoft Australia head of content.

Will Easton, the MD of Facebook Australia and New Zealand (also Sydney-based), said: “As Facebook’s role in Australia and New Zealand continues to evolve, it’s essential that we recruit the very best talent who will bring new ideas and insights to our current team.

“Andrew is our first news partnerships lead. He has a passion for storytelling and an expert understanding of the relationship between social and news networks. Facebook’s collaboration with media networks has continued to increase in recent years, and Andrew’s experience and vision will only enhance these relationships moving forward.”

Great journalism business?
The Facebook release continues: Andrew Hunter say’s (sic): “I’m delighted to joining Facebook in this role at a time when access to accurate, high-quality news is more important than ever.

“I look forward to partnering with news organisations across Australia and New Zealand so they can make the most of Facebook’s tools, features and distribution capabilities in support of great journalism and great journalism businesses.”

This appointment follows a number of senior hires for Facebook over the past six months, including Kaylie Smith (director of SMB Australia and New Zealand), Sophie Malloch (lead general counsel) and a number of Creative Shop appointments, including Andy Simpson (head of Creative Shop), Dan Walton and Karen O’Leary (creative strategists).

All are based across the Ditch.

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