FCB Wellington has a pitch for full-service account from the Ministry of Health’s National Screening Unit. FCB won the business from a closed tender process among agencies listed on the All of Government advertising panel.
The incumbent was Wellington agency GSL.
The NSU is responsible for the national leadership of New Zealand’s organised screening programmes, which include breast and cervical screening and also a range of antenatal and newborn screening initiatives.
Jane McEntee, Group Manager, NSU, says he was impressed with FCB’s depth of thinking and clear understanding of what needed to be achieved to reach the goals of the national screening programmes.
“We were looking for a campaign that would drive behavioural change and attract hard to reach women into these screening programmes. FCB demonstrated they had the expertise to deliver the results we need to see.”
Paul Irwin, General Manager of FCB Wellington, says the NSU is a perfect fit with FCB’s strong knowledge of the health sector and the agency’s experience in changing people’s actions.
“The NSU has seen great success over the past 12 years, with significant increases in participation,” Irwin said.
“However, challenges remain with hard to reach audiences, particularly Māori women, which is where FCB’s proven track record in influencing behaviour around complex issues is particularly relevant.”
The appointment of FCB is effective immediately.
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