Gapes gonged!

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WELLINGTON, Monday: M+AD ed David Gapes has been appointed an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit in the Queen’s Birthday Honours for services to broadcasting.

The citation from the Governor-General’s office reads: “With a background in daily newspaper journalism, Mr Gapes became an expert in all forms of radio communication.

“He played a key role as one of the four founders of Radio Hauraki as a sea-based private radio station in 1966 which, in the face of government and departmental opposition won sufficient public support to break the State broadcasting monopoly.

“He publicly headed Radio Hauraki’s fight against Government Policy in Broadcasting and, when in 1969/1970 Radio Hauraki was afforded the chance to apply for a radio licence, steered by company through the application process.

He became chairman and ceo of Radio Hauraki NZ Ltd when the company was formed in 1969 and guided the new land-based station through its early years from 1970.

“As private radio developed in the 1970s he was an unpaid advisor to many new applicants around New Zealand, including overseeing the rescue of a fledgling Radio Whakatane in 1972 that was struggling in its local market.

“In more recent years, Mr Gapes managed rock group Hello Sailor, and was editor of AdMedia and Onfilm magazines.

“He is the co-founder, and current editor, of daily online communications industry newsletter and website, M+AD.”

Gapes will be presented with his medal by Governor-General Patsy Reddy later this year.

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