Glucina? No way!

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The fur has been flying around the M+AD and NBR coverage of NZME’s 24/7 integrated newsroom. But one thing has become clear – NBR reporter Nick Grant did not take his information from Rachel Glucina’s Scout gossip site.

“I can’t say who my sources were, other than to categorically state it wasn’t Glucina’s site, although I believe we had three names in common (John Drinnan, Brian Rudman, Michele Hewitson),” Grant says.

The NBR list contained twice that number – including Canvas deputy editor Greg Dixon, feature writer Alan Perrott, and columnist John Roughan (plus Drinnan, Rudman and Hewitson).

Grant is an experienced and credible business journalist – and the suggestions that he would rely on a gossip site are disingenuous at best (or just plain mischievous).

The eventual announcement from NZME will come in the next few weeks – when all should be made very clear.

  • Read the original M+AD story (based on an NZME press release) here
  • The NBR story here
  • Updated M+AD story (based on the NBR coverage) here
  • The Glucina story here

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