Hands across the ocean

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Ogilvy PR Australia, which claims it’s the largest public relations firm in Australia, has signed affiliate agreements with two specialist PR firms in New Zealand to create its first Transtasman network.

Blackland PR and Cadence Communications will partner with Ogilvy PR Australia to broaden the reach for clients on both sides of the Tasman, from their bases in Wellington and Auckland, respectively.

“This agreement is the culmination of many months of work to find and secure the right partners to support our company’s work in New Zealand,” said Ogilvy PR ceo Kieran Moore.

“Given the size of the NZ market, it was quickly evident that one agency was unlikely to be able to meet all of OPR’s needs in New Zealand. We identified Blackland and Cadence as the two most reputable, independent, unaffiliated agencies who could deliver for us and we are excited about our futures,” she said.

“We’re delighted that an international agency of Ogilvy PR’s standing recognises our expertise in getting real messages through to real people,” said director Mark Blackman.

The advantages identified by Moore include the local expertise and input from established communications entities; opportunities for hot-desking or office exchanges for teams on both sides; and, where it makes sense, local activation on the ground in each country.

Blackland PR was founded in 2012 by experienced communications practitioners Mark Blackham and Nick Gowland, who have more than 25 years’ experience in what they call “the modern art of persuasive conversation with real people”.

Blackland has worked with the NZ corporate brands as well as the NZ Government. Their services cover all aspects of contemporary media, from social to direct communications, traditional channels and government relations. Corporate reputation management is another specialty.

Cadence was founded by Suzanne McNamara and Anna Radford. Their focus is value for money, integrity, insight and intelligence, and enduring value. “The Cadence team is skilled across all aspects of communications,” Moore said.

Radford and McNamara say the partnership is great news for Cadence and its clients.

“Achieving great outcomes for our clients lies at the core of the way we do business and we believe that our affiliation with Ogilvy will strengthen our ability to deliver upon this promise,” said Radford. Best results are achieved by having a PR team on the ground in a country, so it’s great we can offer our clients such a highly-respected Australian partner as part of our wider team.”

Ogilvy PR Australia is part of WPP ANZ.

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