High energy promise for Effie judge’s NZ workshop

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This weekend, CAANZ will welcome its international Effie judge Merry Baskin – from Baskinshark.com in the UK – who is visiting NZ for the next couple of weeks.

During this time, apart from judging The Effies, she is also running a Wisdom Workshop on the Thursday 13 October and speaking at The Effectiveness Function on Tuesday 18 October.

“Merry is incredibly smart and a real veteran –and the workshop and the presentation will be fantastic,” says CAANZ sponsorship & events manager Natasha Stichbury.

The Wisdom Workshop will be an intimate event sharing techniques, skills and insights into the immediate future of planning – an interactive, three-hour romp through her favourite planning tools, techniques and pearls of wisdom.

Gleaned first hand from some of planning’s pioneering greats (including Stephen King, Judie Lannon, Paul Feldwick, Jane Newman, Jeremy Bullmore and Wendy Gordon), these tools form a list of things ‘I wish I’d known at 25’, Stitchbury says.

The workshop will cover an eclectic mix of Baskin’s favourite planning tools and techniques gleaned over the years from working with a variety of UK planning founding gurus which will include a variety of the kinds of things a planner has to do – including: strategy development, insight mining, briefing, brief writing, giving feedback on creative work, catalysing brand teams, designing market research, selling strategy to clients, dealing with difficult people and situations.

“It will be high energy and interactive in style,” Stitchbury says. “Merry will illustrate with tales and anecdotes from her 35 year long career.”

Who is this workshop pitched at? Curious strategy types who are modest enough to admit they don’t already know everything, who want to pick up some immediately useful and applicable tools and techniques to their day job, who want to take advantage of the opportunity to feed their heads with different/fresh stimulus from an industry veteran/UK planning name/lead APG planning craft skills trainer who happens to be in the area, and who want to have fun while they are doing it.

“This won’t be a passive transmission lecture,” Stitchbury sayd. “You will be expected to actively participate and contribute. You will be given some compelling homework reading beforehand, a chance to practice on a case history at the end, and a seminal ‘further reading list’ to enable you to go deeper afterwards.”

  • The workshop is limited to 30 people. It runs from 8.30am-1pm and costs $495+gst ($1100 for non-CAANZ members) at the AUT Business School – Room WF403, Level 4, Corner Mayoral Drive and Wakefield Street. Register my emailing lis@caanz.co.nz. For more info, check click here 
  • Baskin will also give an hour’s presentation at The Effectiveness Function on Tuesday the 18th at AUT at 5:30pm. Book seats here

About Merry Baskin
Merry Baskin started out as a pan-European market researcher in Paris, evolving to planning director at JWT in London, Brindfors in Stockholm & Brussels, Saatchi & Saatchi and Chiat/Day in New York. In 2001, she founded Baskin Shark, (where brands move forward or die!), a brand consultancy, focussing on brand strategy and communications development. She writes a regular Best Practice column for Admap, making her the most downloaded author on WARC for the past four years. She is the principal trainer for the UK Account Planning Group. In 2012, she was appointed a Visiting Fellow at London’s New College of the Humanities. Industry credits include APG chair 1998/99, IPA Effectiveness Awards judge and winner (x 3), Euro & NZ Effies judge and winner of several US Effie awards.

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