Interactive advertising breaks Q3 record

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Interactive Advertising* continues to grow with the latest IAB/PwC Online Advertising Report noting that the sector generated a record $225.54m in Q3, 2016 – a 12.99% increase year-on-year.

Display advertising reached $37.64m over the period. The growth trend in Display this quarter was driven by a 20% surge in Video revenue – a record breaking quarter for this channel.

Programmatic revenue for the quarter was slightly down on the result a year ago but this reflects a correction for over-estimated Q2 revenue by several contributors. Programmatic remains on course for a record-breaking year generating and estimated $27m for the full year.

Mobile advertising realised just short of $11m in the quarter, a year-on-year increase of 59%. To give this growth perspective, the Mobile category achieved $12m for the full year only two years ago.

Search & Directories increased 11% to $122m for the quarter and Social Media achieved $15.64m – a 50% lift on 12 months ago.

Given the current trends, the IAB estimates the interactive industry will generate some $900m in 2016 compared to $800m last year.

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