iSite counting the beat

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iSite Media is heralding a significant step change in planning capability across its national billboard portfolio with the launch of reach and frequency for billboards.

“This new insight, in the market from September, affords marketers an unparalleled view of their billboard audience,” says iStie ceo Wayne Chapman. “The planning tool represents the latest milestone in a three-year audience measurement journey and utilises smart geo-located data points to create a sophisticated national journey map.

“This enables iSite to harness this insight to deliver more effective outdoor campaigns.”

Chapman says that understanding who consumers are and how they move around their environment when out of home is a guiding principle in iSite’s quest to develop deeper insight.

“We aim to drive greater value for our customers and ultimately better-informed decision making,” he says. “Having done the heavy lifting in pioneering a transit measurement system last year, it is a logical progression to expand the capability to include our billboard inventory. This supports our vision of changing the conversation – from panels to people.”

For its work in measurement, iSite Media won the 2015 Media Business of the Year at the CAANZ Beacon Awards, three TVNZ NZ Marketing Awards and five Gold NZDM Awards.

About iSite Media
iSite Media is one of the largest outdoor advertising companies in NZ. Our focus is on providing effective and intelligent media campaigns with unrivaled reach across multiple platforms in New Zealand.

Established in 1999 as a billboard advertising company – today, our portfolio encompasses our national transit network, national roadside billboard portfolio, a growing digital billboard network and two of New Zealand’s four major airports.

We represent over one-third of the total New Zealand outdoor advertising market (OMANZ members). In 2011, iSite was acquired by New Zealand based NZX-listed infrastructure specialist Infratil.

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