Kiwi pros eye waterproof, follow-me drone camera

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Judging by the internet traffic, the world’s waterproof throw-and-shoot HD camera drone is attracting a lot of global attention – from professionals in NZ, as well as amateurs.

It’s operation is very simple: You just fasten the compact waterproof remote to your wrist, and chuck the thing in the air (or sea) and it will film and follow you until it receives new instructions.

NZ photographer Bruce Jarvis (rock’n’roll and corporate shoots a speciality) is trying to order one – but discovered the Lily camera is not quite yet on the market. “The American developers are taking pre-orders to give themselves working capital,” he says.

“But I’m keen to actually see one in operation.”

The Lily website blurb (scroll down for the site) says the portable camera is bordering on science fiction. “It will revolutionise the movie and TV industry and with this equipment, home videos will be more fun to watch.

“It lets anyone create cinematic footage previously reserved for professional filmmakers. No set-up is required – just throw Lily in the air and start a new video.”

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