Be the same – but also different

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AUCKLAND, Today: Recent research out of Red Onion, which analysed the way thousands of Aucklanders interacted with our street posters, found clearly that larger format posters deliver outsized results.

Phantom Billstickers managing partner Jamey Holloway asks: “So should you simply pack your poster schedule with Phantom’s Supers?

“It wouldn’t be a bad idea, as the study showed six times higher levels of engagement with Supers alongside normal frames.

“But it’s not quite that simple. The research revealed two more tricks to stop pedestrians in their tracks …

  1. Hack No 1: Be the same.

On a number of sites we found that where advertisers placed the same poster in three consecutive frames, they were much more likely to have people stopping for a closer look. So repetition works.

  1. Hack No 2: Be different.

On the other hand, novelty gets you noticed.

“For instance, Havaianas had posters where its products were arranged to form a giant letter, and three posters in a row then spelt out a word – in this case, S, U, N. This particular installation in Fort Street got over twice as much scrutiny as any other brand on the site. One guy even did a double take.

“So there you have it. If you want to own more eyeballs, don’t be afraid to repeat your posters, and put some thought into being creative. People can’t help paying attention to it.

“And bear in mind that Phantom Billstickers changes its entire inventory every week. We’re bringing a constant parade of words and images to your customers on their way to work, school, lunch or the shops. We do our bit to keep them interested. Now it’s your turn.

“Would you like to see the research that shows how actual humans react to Phantom Billstickers’ posters? Be our guest. Get in touch with Phantom.”

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