Strategy Creative taps Lisa Gwynne

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AUCKLAND, Today: Strategy Creative’s Auckland studio welcomes Lisa Gwynne as their new Client Services Director. With a robust career spanning over two decades, Lisa has shaped narratives for notable brands like Skinny Mobile and Contact Energy across Australasia and South Africa.

Lisa is buzzing about her new role, “I’m thrilled to be joining Strategy Creative at what is a very exciting time for the agency. I’m joining a great, ambitious team and that’s always a good feeling.”

“I’m thrilled to be joining Strategy Creative at what is a very exciting time for the agency.”

Fraser Callaway, Strategy Creative’s Managing Partner, sees Lisa’s arrival as pivotal. He remarks, “Lisa’s profound insight and proactive approach are unmatched. Her leadership at our Auckland studio is set to propel our market presence.”

Lisa is keen to integrate with Strategy’s dynamic culture and innovative ethos. “The agency’s knack for solving genuine client challenges through creative campaigns is inspiring. I’m eager to drive this momentum in Auckland,” she shares.

Strategy Creative, born in Christchurch 30 years ago, has made its mark, boasting studios in Wellington and Auckland. The team’s recent triumphs include campaigns for the Designers Institute of New Zealand and branding revamps for Business Canterbury and Hastings District Council.

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