Arrivals & Departures: Mango welcomes back two senior practitioners, plus a newbie

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Auckland communications agency Mango – part of the DDB Group – has welcomed back two senior practitioners to its fold, hired a newbie, and promoted two from within the agency.

Jessica McColl, head of events & experiential, and Gemma Knights (nee Doughty), senior account director, have rejoined the agency after a number of years working overseas and with other agencies.

McColl’s portfolio of work includes the H&M store opening at Sylvia Park last year and Nespresso’s Queen Street boutique launch, while under contract at Mango, as well as 2degrees’ Play the Bridge. Previously she spent eight years at Mango before taking maternity leave. She is said to be excited to be reunited with some of her colleagues and familiar brands.

Award winner
Gemma Knights has 12 years’ experience in PR and events in NZ, Australia and the UK, and her work on Jetstar’s regional launch last year won a PRINZ award in integrated marketing PR.

She rejoins Mango after an eight-year gap and leads an integrated team on McDonald’s, Fonterra Brands, Vocus Group and Bay of Islands Marketing Group.

“Mango really has the best clients and the best people,” she says. “Since I was last here the agency has added leadership in influencer marketing to their credentials. I’m enjoying seeing the integration of experiential campaigns with PR and social.”

The newbie
New to Mango is account executive Charlotte Caines, who joins from lifestyle PR agencies in the UK.

Additionally, two of the existing team have been promoted – Max Burt and Marissa Kirkham have both become senior account managers.

Mango managing director Claudia Macdonald said: “The return of Jess and Gemma, the addition of new blood and the promotion of two stars has put Mango in a great place as we head into the second half of the year.

“It is fantastic to have experienced hands back leading teams – everyone has benefitted from their knowledge and skill. I’m also thrilled to be able to promote from within two very good consultants.”

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