Mobile measurement software tool lands in NZ 

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TubeMogul, an enterprise software platform for brand advertising, has unveiled its integrated Nielsen’s Mobile Digital Ad Ratings measurement tool into its platform and will provide it to advertisers in Australia and New Zealand.

The programmatic video advertising company said Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings provides a ratings tool for mobile campaigns similar to that offered in the television advertising market. The arrival of Nielsen’s mobile ratings system will enable brands and agencies to measure on-target audience reach across screens (Desktop & Mobile) to inform their programmatic media buying strategies.

“The launch of Mobile Digital Ad Ratings in Australia is an exciting development, as it brings the market another step closer to the cross-screen dream,” said TubeMogul Australia and New Zealand managing director Sam Smith.

“Our strategic partnership with Nielsen means Mobile Digital Ad Ratings will be available directly in the platform and is key to providing advertisers with the best tools to execute cross-screen brand campaigns.”

Data from the TubeMogul platform showed that in September, 16% of Australian advertisers are now buying programmatic video ads that run both on desktop and mobile, while 7% of advertisers are running campaigns exclusively on mobile. Smith said he expected the integration with Nielsen would spur increased investment in mobile video advertising.

Through the API integration with Nielsen, reporting will be pulled directly into the TubeMogul platform and enable advertisers to verify age and gender demographics on both smartphones and tablets. Advertisers will also be able to measure their unduplicated reach across desktop and mobile, providing cross-screen audience measurement that can quickly and effectively inform overall media strategy and budget allocation.

Nielsen announced the availability of mobile Digital Ad Ratings in the US in June and TubeMogul said it moved quickly to deliver the measurement tool to Australian and NZ brand advertisers.

“Consumers now rely on their smartphones and tablets to access information and entertainment content and marketers need a proven audience measurement solution to track that consumption shift,” said Smith.

“Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings for Mobile empowers advertisers with independent verification that they have reached their intended audience and allows them to execute cross-screen campaigns more effectively.”

The Nielsen DAR tool was formerly called Online Campaign Ratings (OCR).

At press time, M+AD was unable to reach our contact at Nielsen Auckland. We’ll update this next week.

  • This story first appeared in Campaign Asia Pacific here

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