For the first time in months MasterCard Surprise is not the most preferred ad – in fact, it doesn’t even make the top 10 (currently at #11). But debuting in December are KiwRail, New World Noel, Jeep, and NZTA Local Legends.
And they’ll be double-happy at Saatchi, with two Hilux campaigns now featuring in the Top 10.
- KiwRail Take a Break. Take a Train, Clemenger BBDO (camera Dan Monaghan)
- Specsavers Should’ve Campaign, MediaCom
- Nova Energy Mr Rover, Clemenger BBDO
- NZTA Local Legends, Finch (dir Patrick Hughes)
- Toyota Hilux NZ Proven, Saatchi & Saatchi, Thick As Thieves (dir Alex Sutherland)
- New World Noel, .99, Finch (dir Nick Ball)
- Jeep Bigger Boat, HM Creative (Australia)
- Contact Energy Casey and Olly It’s OK to Say Bad Words, JWT, Sunday Punch (directors Nigel McCulloch, Ryan Hutchings, Jarrod Holt).
- New World Series, Colenso BBDO, Finch (dir Nick Ball)
- NZI Devil’s Chair, FCB, Assembly (dir Damon Duncan)
1. KiwiRail
- “It has good photography, music, is has a simple and non-annoying theme.”
- “beautiful scenery.”
- “It is very pleasant to look at and to listen to. Makes me want to be there.”
- “I really like the music and the magnificent NZ scenery.”
- “Like the music behind the Kiwi rail ad.”
- “It is simple and straightforward; in fact it makes us want to do something we haven’t done for years.”
- “I find the music so evocative and it fits the scenery perfectly.”
2. Specsavers
- “That’s a really funny ad.”
- “Good simple humour.”
- “I like it because it amuses me. They have different ones that are all good.”
- “I like the series of ads, as they use humour to highlight the importance of being able to see clearly!”
- “They have a good sense of humour and make me laugh.”
3. Nova
- “It’s humorous as…. it’s soooo corny that it is funny. It’s Super….. Nova bahahaha.”
- “Makes me laugh every time.”
- “The element of surprise when “England” rather than “Dover” is stated.”
- “I like silly humour and it just tickles me.”
- “Makes me smile. Simple message.”
- “Funny, not loud and shouty, makes a good point.”
- “It’s just memorable, though quite awful, but funny.”
4. NZTA Local Legends
5. Toyota Hilux NZ Proven
6. New World Noel
7. Jeep Bigger Boat
8. Contact Energy Casey & Ollie It’s OK to say bad words
9. New World campaign
10. NZI Devil’s Chair
The TVC Top 10 is produced by Colmar Brunton (www.colmarbrunton.co.nz) exclusively for M+AD (however, anybody may reproduce all or parts of it without authorisation – but we do ask for a M+AD credit).
Colmar Brunton polled 1000 New Zealanders (aged 18+) online between 3-10 December for this latest Top 10. Respondents were incentivised with Fly Buys reward points, and the poll has a margin of error of +/- 2.6%.
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