Newspapers will still be printed in 2030, says News Corp boss

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Newspapers will still be printed in 2030, News Corp’s Sydney-based CMO Tony Phillips told B&T in a bullish question-and-answer session this week. He says he expects the quantum shifts in media technology the world has seen over the past two decades will plateau.

“Newspapers will still be printed, people will still be watching TV, and people will still sit at restaurants on their phones not talking to each other,” he said.

“There will be more amalgamation depending upon government regulation to maintain a quality resource delivered at scale.

“Facebook and Google will be only part of the digital landscape as new technology delivers more innovation from people who grew up with these disciplines.”

Fragmentation of audience will be the norm, he said, and amalgamating an audience to build brands will be an even bigger challenge, ensuring a bright future for creative marketers.

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