NZ Geographic seeks a helping hand

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NZ Geographic has gone to the public with a request for cash to help the magazine stage its annual free photography exhibitions in Christchurch and Auckland, where the finalists of Photographer of the Year are revealed.

“This year, we need your help,” writes editor James Frankham. “Because the competition is free to enter and the exhibitions free to attend, we rely on public funding and the generosity of our sponsors to print the images, ship them and hire the venue.

“But it doesn’t cover all the costs of this huge and valuable enterprise.

“We’ve started a crowdfunding campaign on the Arts Foundation website Boosted, and hope you might give us a hand to get the exhibition on the road – and keep the event free for everyone.

“All going well, the exhibition will open in Christchurch in late August, and Auckland in October.

“We also have some 2016 calendars up for grabs! Click here to help us out:”

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