NZME backs anti-slavery doco

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NZME has partnered with World Vision to raise awareness of modern-day slavery and raise funds to help those most at risk in Asia. Their Not for Sale campaign aims to highlight these atrocities happening in the world, and empower readers to make a difference globally.

To help New Zealand really see the reality many children are faced with, World Vision have collaborated with world-leading virtual reality filmmaker Gabo Arora to film a VR documentary.

The story follows two girls, Kavita and Manita, who grew up together in a small village in the east of Nepal. They dreamed of getting away from the village when they got older but their paths diverged; one got married at the age of 16, and the other stayed in school. The documentary shares their reflections on their very different lives.

“It has been an eye-opening campaign and an important story to tell.”

On any given day, 10 million children worldwide are victims of slavery. They become brothel-workers, child brides, domestic servants and factory workers.

World Vision NZ director Grant Bayldon said: “We’re really thrilled to be partnering once again with NZME, in order to tell these very important stories. Every day millions of girls around the world are being exploited, having their childhoods taken from them in order to be married or put to work. We believe that telling their stories is a start to change lives.”

As part of the series, Newstalk ZB’s Kerre McIvor has travelled to South East Asia with Mike Scott to film video content and write for the Herald, an experience she found eye opening and sobering. “The most heart-wrenching moment for me was seeing a 14 year old girl who didn’t even dare to dream, who was working 14 hours a day.”

NZME planning editor Andrew Laxon said: “It has been an eye-opening campaign and an important story to tell.”

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