Sydney/US PR shop comes to Auckland

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AUCKLAND, Today: Sydney-based PR agency Sling & Stone has established an office in Auckland – and hired associate director Sian Church to run it.

The company – which has had a presence in NZ for two years, working with Twitter, WREDA, and Festival of the Future – now has 50 staffers spread across three offices, in Auckland (Williamson Ave), Surry Hills and California.

Church joins from Pead PR, where she led the technology, entertainment and corporate team. Prior to that, she spent five years at London agencies Brands2life and Chameleon. 

“She joins from Pead PR. Prior to that, she spent five years at London agencies Brands2life and Chameleon.”

“Sian will work closely with New Zealand’s thriving innovation sector,” said NSW-based S&S comms manager Clementine Crowther, in a release.

“Sian will be leading the growth of our team in this unique market, as well as PR campaigns for Amazon Prime Video, Mevo and a suite of exciting new brands we will announce in the coming months,” said Crowther.

“We’ve always wanted to expand globally in a way that doesn’t end up with a ‘network’ of isolated offices and teams. Sling & Stone is one team, wherever we are based and we share a common hunger and passion – not just a name.

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