Oz/NZ Agency of the Year entry call

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Campaign Asia-Pacific has issued its entry call for its 2015 Agency of the Year Awards – with a separate division for NZ and Australian work.

Celebrating industry achievement since 1994, the Agency of the Year competition is the leading agency performance awards in the region. Results are compiled by PricewaterhouseCoopers.

This year’s programme has a number of changes, including new categories. The entry kits are available for download below:

The Australia and New Zealand section is designed to allow agencies — big or small — and talent to shine within the local market and region, with the opportunity of network recognition at an Asia-Pacific level.

“We have also made a few important changes to the entry criteria this year,” says Campaign Asia-Pacific brand director Atifa Hargrave-Silk.

There will be country awards in the Creative Agency of the Year, Media Agency of the Year and Digital Agency of the Year, and regional awards (Australia/New Zealand) in the remaining categories. There are eight people categories to celebrate individual achievements and contributions. In the agency categories, judges will award a Gold, Silver and Bronze, while only a winner and runner-up will be announced in the people categories.

The judging panel will comprise senior marketers from key business categories and Campaign’s editors.

Only achievements relating to the period of October 16, 2014 to October 6, 2015 will be evaluated by the judges.

The early entry deadline is Tuesday 29 September.

Entry kits are available here:

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