MDS team tastes Blood

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This year, MDS AdSchool team Jake O’Driscoll & Sylvia Humphries became Cannes Future Lions finalists, won the Visa Future of Payment competition, scored a Crowbar win – and now they’re off to Sydney on Friday to join 28 other lucky creatives from Australia at the D&AD New Blood Workshop – Brief to Broadcast.

Gunn wants YOU

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The Gunn Report is seeking nominations from NZ advertising professionals for its latest creation – The 100 Best Commercials of the 21st Century. So Far.

You may be replaced by an algorithm

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PHD Group’s latest publication – Sentience: The Coming AI Revolution and the Implications for Marketing marks the beginning of Preemptive Marketing, where algorithms* will start to predict how we will behave,” says Christophe Spencer, PHD Group NZ head of digital.

APNO greets the ABs at Auckland’s gateway

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As the initial wave of Rugby World Cup fever settles, advertisers have taken to outdoor to keep the excitement front of mind. Underwear brand Jockey backed the team early in the piece well before the RWC had begun, understanding that seeing the All Blacks out of the famed black jersey might make quite an impact.

Colenso shares Mashies glory with the Yanks

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Colenso BBDO emerged from the annual Mashable Awards (the Mashies) as the only agency outside of North America to walk away from the show with metal. On the night, Colenso’s Found project, developed with Google, won Best Use of Mobile and Samsung Black Cats won for Best Real Time Marketing.