Actors portal debuts (updated)

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An editing glitch in yesterday’s M+AD mailout story about a new web portal for NZ actors had the incorrect information but took readers to the right page.

The version on the M+AD web page was, however, correct. Here’s that story again …

Top journos face the chop at NZME

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Last week’s M+AD story about NZME’s “world class integrated newsroom” (supplied by NZME) had all the happy-clappy news – but skimped on some important detail, such as the likelihood of redundancy for a number of the best NZ Herald writers.

Whittaker’s has the wood on the ABs

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Whittaker’s is once again New Zealand’s most loved brand, according to the latest Colmar Brunton survey – and while the All Blacks have jumped 7% to be the country’s second most loved brand for 2015, Whittaker’s comfortably holds on to the top spot for the fourth year in a row.