Fast Bauer put Axis mag onto agency desks by 9am

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Last night’s excitement at the CAANZ Axis Awards may have seemed like a fast-fading memory to many of the participants as they woke this morning – but when they got to work, a surprise awaited them: Last Night, a magazine commemorating the occasion in all its lurid glory, was waiting for them on their desks.

Cannes taps seven Kiwis

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The Cannes Lions has appointed seven New Zealand jury representatives for the 2015 awards – on the Media, Cyber, Design, PR, Direct, Promo & Activation, and Radio Lions juries.

Arrivals & Departures

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Snakk Media has appointed Niko Toluono: to take the reins of the company’s New Zealand office as country manager. Toluono joins Snakk from Fairfax, where he was a media consultant for nearly three years, and has also held senior roles at Mediacom and Ogilvy NZ.