Hyundai backs family sports

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Kiwi chef Al Brown, star shrink Nigel Latta and rally driver Hayden Paddon have lent their support to a Family Time video campaign for Hyundai NZ. The trio have spoken about the importance of playing sports and games as a family in conjunction with the launch of the Hyundai Beach vs Beach 2015 Cricket Cup.

Ball boys take a bow-wow

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Saatchi & Saatchi’s Best Ball Boys in the World campaign for the ASB Classic tennis tournament has been garnering priceless publicity worldwide over the Xmas break, with the story or video appearing on Mashable, Yahoo Sports, MSN, USA Today, The Washington Post, ABC’s Good Morning America, Sports Illustrated and Britain’s Daily Mail.

Axis closes in one week

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Just seven days to go until the deadline for Axis 2015 closes in (although there’s a two-day extended deadline, with a penalty fee). Entries close at 4pm on Tuesday 20th January, 2015.

How to write a winning Beacons entry

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The CAANZ Beacons Awards (formerly the Media Awards) holds an entry writing workshop on Thursday 29 January at the Media Design School, 92 Albert St, Auckland from 9am-10:30am, facilitated by Andrew Reinholds (OMD) and Rufus Chuter (FCB Media).

Arrivals & Departures

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Fairfax Media has appointed Ellen Read as national business editor: “Ellen will be responsible for setting a bold business content and audience strategy, harnessing the power of Fairfax business journalists around the country to enhance existing products – and develop new ones,” said Fairfax Media group executive editor Sinead Boucher.

Arrivals & Departures

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Marketer Jenny Stiles joins Nielsen on January 19 after a six-month stint at Fairfax Media (where she had been northern region marketing manager in the publisher’s new-look national management team). Prior to Fairfax, she’d been executive director at News Works, the newspaper industry’s promotional cooperative.