Komli launches next-gen CRM Remarketing platform

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Mumbai (October 1, 2014): Leading APAC media technology company Komli Media has launched a new integrated cross-channel CRM remarketing platform in NZ and Australia. The company says the platform is the first of its kind, and forms part of its products’ market expansion plans.

Rebrand puts Sir Ed back in the spotlight 

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Colenso BBDO has helped to rebrand the organisation formerly known as (draw a deep breath) The Sir Edmund Hillary Outdoor Pursuits Centre of New Zealand. From today, the outdoor education centre named for our most famous explorer will be called simply Hillary Outdoors.

The best work in the world – that works

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Colenso BBDO’s Spikes Radio Grand Prix for Mars Pedigree K9FM was a special achievement, but the agency’s haul of three Golds in just one category – the most important one, reckons MD Nick Garrett – has really got everyone at College Hill excited.

Facebook launches new-look Atlas

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Facebook has relaunched Atlas, the ad platform it bought off Microsoft, and now picked up globally by Omnicom. Atlas gives advertisers one place to create, buy, measure and optimise digital campaigns. It enables real-world, people-based impact across multiple devices (not just desktop) and the entire internet, on a massive scale.