Instagram streaks past Twitter

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Instagram now has 300 million monthly active users globally, up 100 million actives in just nine months. The photo and video-sharing app owned by Facebook is now more popular than Twitter, which had 284 million monthly active users at the end of the third quarter.

Female ad talent still stuck in the middle

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There is a growing realisation that agencies are facing a culture problem that makes them inhospitable for women to make long-term careers, according to a new study in the Guardian Online. It’s a multi-layered problem that defies easy solutions, the report says. There are exceptions to the rule, but agencies are at risk of losing touch.

Marcus Lush & Danny Watson exit

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NMZE. has confirmed it has signed broadcaster Marcus Lush – but it will be a full year before he makes an appearance as a night-time talk host on Newstalk ZB. He’ll depart from his RadioLIVE breakfast show mid-2015, and take up his new role six months later. Also on the move are ZB’s Kerre Woodham and Danny Watson.

Women to the fore as Cannes names 2015 jury presidents

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The Cannes Lions Festival has announced the presidents who will lead juries at the 2015 awards. “We have always selected the most awarded, respected global creative leaders to guide our juries,” said Lions Festivals chairman Terry Savage. Sadly, no Kiwis made the cut (although there’s one Aussie).

Arrivals & Departures

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TVNZ has hired three new people: Jo Jalfon joins the broadcaster in the new role of brand marketing manager, based in Auckland: She’ll be responsible for delivering the TVNZ brand, trade and channel public relations stories and leading the publicity and trade team.

20 questions from the Gunn Report

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Hilux Bugger features in one of the 20 questions in The Gunn Report London’s Christmas Quiz. The 20 questions are in multi-choice format, and some range back as far as 1983. The 10 highest scorers win a year’s free sub to the Gunn website (or the 2014 Gunn Report book and Showreel of the Year).