Big Mobile launches next-gen ad formats

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Australasian mobile specialist Big Mobile has launched a range of creative new high-impact display advertising formats specifically designed for smartphone and tablet. Developed by Big Mobile’s UX team, the new suite of next-gen advertising products provide a creative canvas for advertisers to create rich story-telling brand building experiences and have been designed to leverage the unique interactive characteristics of mobile. 

Arrivals & Departures

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Auckland content marketing shop BrandWorld has made three new appointments: Kathryn Allemann (formerly of TVNZ),  Tristan Ogden (ex Blacksand), and journalist Rhonwyn Newson, who takes over the editor role at Family Health Diary magazine. 

Glug presents: A night of intoxicated enlightenment

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Sugar&Partners CD Dave Nash is putting the finishing touches in place for his Glug NZ project (motto: Done is better than said) in the Britomart on Thursday 16 October – a night of inspiration for creative types. “Just think TED, but smaller with rum, beer and hot chips,” he says.