Radio & TV ‘far stronger’

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AUCKLAND, Thursday: A British study by marketing analytics specialists Ebiquity has concluded that advertisers should re-evaluate the use of radio. In the first report of its kind, Re-evaluating Media reveals radio, (along with newspapers and magazines) performs significantly better than perceived, for brand-building campaigns. 

Magico bikes it forward for Sanitarium

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AUCKLAND, Thursday: As Sanitarium Weet-Bix Kids TRYathlon continues to roll out around the country this month, more Kiwi kids will be able to take part thanks to the Bike It Forward initiative created by Auckland activation marketing agency Magico, and sponsored by Bike Barn.

Nielsen toplines released

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AUCKLAND, Today: The Nielsen Magazine & Newspaper Toplines for Quarter 4 2018 were released this morning – right on M+AD’s deadline, and too early to analyse in detail. Instead, today we publish the figures in full, and invite readers to help themselves.

TVNZ half-year results

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AUCKLAND, Today: TVNZ’s focus on local and live content coupled with increased investment in its digital future has resonated with New Zealand viewers and advertisers, says TVNZ ceo Kevin Kenrick, advising that at the half way point in the fiscal year, the company has gained TV audience and advertising market share, and doubled its online streaming numbers.

Verizon conflab next week

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SYDNEY, Today: Paul Sigaloff, ANZ MD of Verizon Media (formerly Yahoo7) will be in Auckland next week and has scheduled an interview with M+AD alongside NZ sales director Arnaud Calonne “to share some exciting news around the brand”.

McDonald’s hands out birthday presents to feet

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AUCKLAND, Today: McDonald’s, ably assisted by DDB, has spent the summer gifting Kiwis Big Mac Jandals in celebration of the Big Mac’s 50th birthday, kicking off the New Year by offering New Zealand beachgoers one-of-a-kind jandals designed to look just like their namesake.