Thinking outside the frame with Darryl Roycroft (updated)

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You can do anything with a poster – even turn it into a window frame to solicit donations of curtains for kids living in unfurnished homes. It’s the kind of thinking that’s led Darryl Roycroft to many creative breakthroughs. (This article was originally published earlier this week by Phantom Billstickers’ Phan Mail e=newsletter.

Epica Awards announces 2018 shortlist

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Paris, November 8: Epica is delighted to announce its shortlisted entries for the 2018 competition. These finalists will go through to the grand jury, which meets in Amsterdam from 12-14 November. Gold and Grand Prix winners will be awarded during a ceremony at the KIT Royal Tropical Institute on the evening of November 15.

Oath officially launches in Australia and New Zealand

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12 November: The ANZ media landscape today welcomes its latest major player, as Oath launches full operations in the region as part of its global rollout. Oath ANZ, led by Managing Director Paul Sigaloff, launches as a compelling market proposition, adding significant value to consumers and advertisers whilst nurturing and empowering local talent at all levels.