Website blues … fixed!

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AUCKLAND, Today: Kingsland-based agency Journey, which yesterday launched its new corporate brand identity, has today upgraded its website from BKA Digital Outfitters. M+AD ran this story yesterday … but got the website address wrong!

Tourism NZ taps Digitas Singapore

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SINGAPORE, Thursday: Tourism New Zealand has appointed Digitas Singapore as its digital integrated agency for Singapore and Indonesia – an expansion of a mandate that previously included Digitas being Tourism NZ’s media agency for South East Asia, China and India.

BKA Digital Outfitters rebrands

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AUCKLAND, Today: Kingsland-based agency BKA Digital Outfitters has launched a new corporate brand identity, Journey, aimed to elevate the business’ focus on digital for the customer journey, and includes a new logo, positioning and website.

Where? When? How?

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AUCKLAND, Today: The Comms Council has released its 2019 industry development & event calendar – a comprehensive document designed to help you plan the year ahead.