Not a production company!

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Earlier this week, in a story about Chemistry’s new PlaceMakers campaign, M+AD described the outfit behind the shoot – Dusty Road – as a ‘production company’, drawing a (gentle) rebuke from Dusty’s Angela Hovey.

Viva refresh

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AUCKLAND, Today: After 20 years, Viva has unveiled a new-look logo, magazine design and website to bring to life “the ever-evolving essence of Viva”.

“Viva’s content – both in our weekly Herald magazine insert, and the website – has continued to evolve to meet the needs of its audience and this revitalised look helps bring to life all that Viva is,” says ed Amanda Linnell.

Arrivals & Departures: Changes at IAB (updated)

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Four personnel changes at the Interactive Advertising Bureau – Laura Maxwell has stepped down as chair of the IABNZ board, but will remain as a board member. Rhys Heron, who is currently a board membe,r will replace her as chair. Heron is currently the Managing Director of Mi9 NZ.