Art school dropout gets stuff done

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Got a crazy idea for a street poster? Chances are it will end up on Ash McKenzie’s desk. He’s the national operations manager at Phantom Billstickers, which (says his boss) looks good on his Linkedin profile, but is really just a fancy way of saying he gets stuff done.

Rugby Australia rebrands

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A new era for the Australian Rugby Union, now named Rugby Australia, or Rugby AU for short, has been unveiled across the Ditch with the unveiling of a new brand identity created by Sydney-based creative agency Digilante.

Victoria lands in Godzone

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Visit Victoria’s new destination marketing campaign, A Twist at Every Turn, launched in New Zealand yesterday. The campaign aims to challenge New Zealanders’ perceptions of the city by bringing Melbourne’s many personas to life.

Live TV still outstrips digital devices

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Auckland, Today: More screens and more choices to engage with video content is dramatically expanding video viewing opportunities, with Kiwis now spending an average of 28 hours consuming video content across any device during a week, according to latest research from Nielsen.