PR powwow next week

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WELLINGTON, Today: The Public Relations Institute of NZ will hold its 2019 conference – fetchingly titled Changing Mindsets – in the Capital on Thursday-Friday 25-26 July.

The conference features leaders in a range of fields who are challenging the status quo, illuminating new perspectives, and flipping problems into opportunities.

Speakers include Getty Images’s Arran Birchenough, Air NZ’s Henare Johnson, Wellington deputy mayor Jim MacNamara, InteractiveWeta Workshop’s Patrick Reynolds, NZ Herald premium content ed Miriyana Alexander, and Isentia NZ head of insight Ngaire Crawford (with more to be announced).

The programme is divided into seven themes:

  • Cultural diversity and organisational change
  • Media content and how it creates change
  • Changing gender power structures
  • Changing face of technology
  • Changing environments = Changing approaches
  • The science of change
  • Changing the world

The sessions will be bookended by MC Alison Mau.

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