Radio, Design, Cyber shortlists

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NZ has picked up another 13 shortlist places overnight at the Cannes Lions – two in Radio, five in Design, and six in Cyber, bringing the NZ shortlist total from the first three days to 51 (scroll down for the earlier reports), plus a Gold Lion, two Silvers, and four Bronzes.

Radio Lions

Two campaigns from Colenso BBDO have won through to the shortlist for the Cannes Radio Lions.

Colenso’s Memphis Meltdown (Voice Transplant and Listen To Your Stomach) made the cut, as did the agency’s Pedigree campaign (Talkies, Meditation and K9FM).

See the full Radio shortlist here

Design Lions

Five NZ entries have made the Cannes Design Lions finalist stage. FCB has three (all are for Sony NZ Bottled Walkman) and Whybin\TBWA\DAN two (for Effies Results Don’t Lie).

View the full list of Design Lions winners here

Cyber Lions

Six Kiwi entries have made the cut in Cyber Lions. DDB Group has four entries (two for Paw Justice Animal Strike and two for Sky TV #BringDownTheKing), while Colenso has two (for Burger King Anti Pre-Roll and Samsung Galaxy S4 The Smart Phone Line.

View the full Cyber Lions shortlist here

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