Semi Permanent’s new faces

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Semi Permanent Auckland, scheduled for Friday & Saturday 12-13 August, has released more details about its speaker lineup.

The Future of Content panel includes Duncan Shand of digital agency Young + Shand; Clemenger Sydney CD Rebecca Carrasco, Twitter Australia founder Shana Allen, and Ted Cohen, American digital entertainment industry executive, formerly of EMI Music and now managing partner of TAG Strategic LA.

The Future of Business panel features NZ-born entrepreneur Melissa Clark Reynolds, Assignment Group ceo Peter Biggs, Designworks chairman/ceo Sven Baker, and Google ANZ diversity leader Cecelia Herbert.

“Semi Permanent evolves as the world evolves” says organiser, Simon Velvin.

“My aim is to promote relevant topical conversations and I am both nervous and excited about the new panel discussions. They should certainly open up debate as I have tried to make them diverse and topical so they are not singular and agreeable in views.”

Other speakers include DesignStudio London ceo Paul Stafford, Kiwi industrial designer Alain Brideson, Restaurateur Mimi Gilmour Buckley (Burger Burger, Fish Fish), filmmaker Zackary Canepari (T-Rex), Google Creative Lab Sydney’s Tea Uglow, New York poet Cleo Wade, Pitch Interactive California CD Wesley Grubbs, Graphic Thought Facility London director Andrew Stevens, Brit culinary designers Sam Bompass & Harry Parr, Asia-based designer Chris Fjelddahl, Airbnb esperience design manager Steve Selzer, Melbourne architect Roland Snooks, New York cinematographer Jessica Dimmock (her new film The Pearl will screen at the event), 72U California creative Maria Scillepi, Berlin & New York-based designers Gunnar Green and Richard The from Studio TheGreenEyl.

Full bios for each speaker and the event schedule are available on the Semi Permanent website (scroll down for the link).

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