Softer Richie and yellow cars muscle up

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Richie McCaw’s acting career, and his main role as everyone’s favourite New Zealander, continues unabated with Colenso’s Anchor Milk Run schools campaign making an immediate, strong debut at #10 in our Colmar Brunton poll for March.

An even faster off the grid is FCB’s Mercury Energy electric The Great Escape spot which zooms straight into No 2.

Elsewhere this month, it’s wall-to-wall old favourites (but, sadly, no Mitre 10 Sandpit, which finally fell off the chart last month, after three full years of Top 10 action.

Top 10 Ads in March 2018

1. Lotto Imagine – Armoured Truck, DDB, Scoundrel (Tim Bullock)


2. Mercury Energy The Great Escape, FCB


3. ANZ The Neighbour’s Pool, FCB


4. Specsavers Series, produced in-house in Sweden (director Mats Stenberg). NZ PR from Mango


5. Pak’n Save Stickman, FCB, Waxeye


6. Nova Greg Grover, Assignment Group, Curious Film (Ric Cantor)


7. KiwiRail Scenic Journeys, Clemenger BBDO/Touchcast


8. Interislander Ferry Find Time, Clemenger/Proximity


9. NZTA/Police: Less Speed Less Harm, Clemenger BBDO


10. Anchor Richie Milk Run, Colenso BBDO



1. Lotto Imagine Armoured Truck

  • “I like the feelgood nature of the message and the reaction of the characters.”
  • “It feels genuine and real to me.”
  • “Cleverly done as it makes you think they are stealing the money in the van.”
  • “It is a lovely story, well told with that surprise at the end.”
  • “It’s very heartwarming. With everything that goes on in the world it’s nice to see the love in TV ads.”
  • “It’s a feel-good ad that shows friendship and trust between both men and how one took the time to plan a surprise for the other.”

2. Mercury Energy The Great Escape

  • “It reminds me of a very old friend who would act just like that.”
  • “Uses old fellas to contrast with new technologies … and has lots of funny and interesting people in it.”
  • “Hilarious!”
  • “Something I would like to do when I get old.”
  • “I find it really amusing as I work in a retirement village and can just visualise this happening.”

3. ANZ What’s your pool doing later?

  • “It has a lovely NZ flavour and shows kids with initiative and kindness in our community.
  • “Always brings a smile to me.”
  • “See the children interacting with their neighbour, not being rude. He kindly allows them the use of his pool. Hopefully in this situation the two families became good neighbours.”
  • “I just love the relationship between the children.”

The TV Top 10 is produced by Colmar Brunton ( exclusively for M+AD. Readers may reproduce all or parts of it without authorisation – but we do ask for a M+AD/Colmar Brunton credit.

Colmar Brunton completed 1000 interviews online over a period of one week (from Wednesday 14 March to Wednesday 21 March) for this report. Respondents were incentivised with Fly Buys points. The interviewees were all aged 18+ and the margin of error is +/- 2.6%.

To view all the M+AD/Colmar Brunton Top 10 charts for the past 12 months, click the Top10 button in the menu on the home page at