Sugar diversifies

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Auckland agency Sugar&partners has unveiled an “IP Partnership” initiative with the launch of Wondermins – a creative business concept initiated, built and launched by the agency, with business partner & ceo Rob Berman.

Sugar managing partner Jeremy Johnston said: “The model uses a sophisticated AI platform to create personalised vitamin recommendations.

“High quality nutrients are then packed into super-convenient daily packs and delivered direct. It reduces time, hassle and waste, with up to 30% savings,” Johnston said.

“We believe this kind of initiative represents a key component of the future of the communications industry – where genuine business partnerships are built on shared goals and risk in equal measure.

“This kind of initiative represents a key component of the future of the comms industry – where genuine business partnerships are built on shared goals and risk in equal measure.”

“The old-fashioned hourly rate model is an awful legacy model that was never effective, even in its day. It has everyone charging like lawyers & measuring marketing inputs – hours – as opposed to genuinely useful outputs; creative business thinking that will grow brands and businesses.

“The new model, like Wondermins, has agencies stepping up to the plate to experience the same risks and challenges that clients face. It has agencies and clients working together to deliver innovative solutions and customer experiences. It’s also much more fun and mutually rewarding.

“S&P is increasingly rolling out this model – offering to share risk, and partner with clients on special projects, NPD, un-tapped opportunities or areas that need an innovative approach to reduce cost or realise ROI.”

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