The Pond is seeking to take the hard yards out of finding, vetting, and hiring fresh, young creative talent with a new programme called Up & Comers.
The Pond has invited the best recent graduates from throughout New Zealand to participate in the programme, which is designed, says The Pond co-founder Leighton Howl, to relieve advertising, digital, and design agencies of the arduous task of sourcing fresh, young creatives.
Graduates have been sought in the fields of advertising, animation, digital design, front-end and back-end development, graphic design, illustration, motion graphics, UX design, and writing – and more are being added daily.
“We’ve handpicked the crème-de-la-crème of recent grads and given them free access to the full Pond service,” said Howl.
“That includes personal representation, exposure to prospective employers online, and a range of employment opportunities. Plus we also give them the benefit of our guidance and advice on everything from how to improve their portfolio to which job offers to accept.
“When they’re ready to hit the ground running, we serve the best of them up to agencies garnished with The Pond’s unrivalled customer service and support.
“So agencies can order up a shortlist of junior candidates from The Pond confident that they’re choosing from the best of the best, handpicked, vetted, and ready to get stuck in immediately.
“Up & Comers means agencies can find reliably excellent freelance or fulltime junior creatives more quickly and easily than ever. And we’re open to agencies taking a try-before-they-buy approach where they can hire a junior on a freelance basis with an eye to hiring them fulltime once they’ve proven themselves.
“Either way the Up & Comers programme enables our clients to turn their full attention to the work in hand – not hand-holding.”
Advertising, digital, design and other agencies looking for young and hungry creatives for freelance or fulltime opportunities can check out the talent available at …
- thepond.net/creatives/the-pond-represents-the-best-creatives-looking-for-new-opportunities-both-freelance-and-permanent
- thepond.net (09 373 3791)
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