The Spikes Asia has appointed three Kiwis to do jury service in Singapore. Copper Brand Experiences managing director Megan Clark will sit on the Direct & Promo & Activation jury, Previously Unavailable’s James Hurman will judge Innovation (a new category), and Flying Fish MD/exec producer James Moore is on the Craft jury.
“This completes an exceptional line-up of talent, all of whom are passionate, forward-thinkers within their fields,”said Lions Festivals chairman Terry Savage. “Collectively they will be responsible for selecting the most creative and ground-breaking work to come out of the region and we are delighted that such an esteemed group will be awarding the Spikes trophies.”
Spikes Asia is accepting entries until Friday 8 August. Anybody who wishes to enter can do so at www.spikes.asia.
Delegate Registration: open
Entries: open
Extended Entries Deadline: 8 August 2014
Spikes Asia Festival Dates: 23 – 26 September 2014, Suntec, Singapore
Contact: Camilla Lambert (née Cole), Press & PR Manager, Spikes Asia Festival of Creativity: camillac@lionsfestivals.com.
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