True has won November’s Newspaper Ad of the Month for Air NZ This ad has far too many words. Judges Matt Shirtcliffe (Shirtcliffe & Co), James Conner (DDB) and Christie Cooper (DDB) agreed it was “smart and insightful use of the medium”.
“It’s not afraid to have a laugh at itself, but in keeping with subject matter and beautifully written,” they said.
Moa and Us&Co 4 more Years won a Special Mention. The judges said: “Clever use of taking advantage of the special edition – and it’s topical.”
Ad of the Month accepts entry from newspaper digital ads, as well as newspaper print ads. News Works’ Ad of the Month is open to any ad that has appeared on a New Zealand newspaper website or app, or in any print edition.
To enter digital or print ads, go to www.newsworksnz.co.nz.
Ad of the Month for December 2015 and January 2016 will be judged at the same time in early February 2016. Entries are open now.
Every monthly winner from 1 July 2015 to 31 June 2016 will automatically be entered into the $10,000 Newspaper Ad of the Year at the end of next year.
Agency: True
Creative Directors: Dom Antelme, Ian Sweeney
Copywriter: Scott Moyes
Art Director: Melissa Chardet
Designer: Chris Reddit
Senior Account Manager: Jess Standidge
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